Saturday, January 10, 2015

Snowy Saturday Morning

I'm all weepy this morning.  No apparent reason.

I read this on my facebook feed (thanks Diane). While I'm watching the snow fall gently on the lake (melancholy backdrop), I'm wondering who, if anyone, knows me like those questions allow. Is there someone, somewhere-hopefully nearby, that I would like to know me like that, and I, them?

I'd love to go through the questions from the study with someone I love, and maybe with someone I might like to go there with.  Ya know?

But in the meantime, I'll watch the snow and be all weepy and shit.

(Weeping Willow on a Snow Day photo by blogger Amishalom at Gaversichtva)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Battling Depression

As always, I am fighting depression.  It makes me sensitive.  It makes me worry and ruminate.  I am sick to death of taking more medication.  I don't want to increase the dose of anti-depressant.  So I am building a strategy to mitigate the winter dark, the stress of life changes, the audacity of habits of mind, and the cruelty of brain chemistry.

  • I am meditating daily.  And reading about how meditating has worked for others as motivation to keep at it.
  • I am walking or exercising every day.  There are lots of new places to explore near my new home. That, and walking up and down the steps as I unpack from the move is helpful.  
  • I am practicing Gratitude.  Each evening writing down two things that I am grateful for and making a point of finding something in another person that I am grateful for, and telling them
Not sure if my strategy is working, or if it's simply that I have a strategy, or if something else has shifted, but I do feel somewhat better right now.