Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Attitude is Everything...or maybe I am just that lovable. :)

I spent most all morning at the DOL renewing my driver's license.  You've probably been there, you know it's not an especially friendly place.  And the wait can be forever.  

So I wait...yay for crosswords and crochet, because I forgot the book I'm reading (Three Cups of Tea or A Walk in the Woods...two at a time).  I brought everything I needed to make a day of it, except food.  And I ought to have brought snacks.  :)  

I'm finally called and in the waiting brain daze I manage to forget to tell the woman exactly what I want done with my license.  So we get all the way through...and have to start over.  *sigh*  I'm patient, she's only a little put out.  All that gets done and everything is in order so I go have my photo taken...

And the name isn't correct.  *gah!*

I go back to the woman at Counter 2.  I have to wait for her to finish with her current customer, of course.  I explain what happened, what I want.  I think I am clear.

Still just not quite clear enough.  I think we were having a bit of communication breakdown.  But we go through it all again, and the computer freezes up.  *O.M.G*

I've kept a really great attitude through this process.  The clerk and I chatted through it.  She asked if I liked to read and recommended an author.  I recommended someone to her in a similar genre.  We had a pleasant conversation, just waiting and chatting.  Finally she got an override from the supervisor and away I went with my  correct name, address, and a new photo and expiration date.  *shwew*

I cannot imagine how things might have gone had a I been less than pleasant, occasionally apologetic, patient, and gently insistent.   She, too, kept a good attitude.  Although I think she would start our conversation being a bit defensive...if I had been an asshole, she would have been one right back.  I think most of our negative experiences in this sort of bureaucratic venue can be minimized by our own attitude.  What might have been a stressful and ugly few hours turned into a reasonably good time and an interaction I can be proud of my part in.

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